成都尚医信息科技有限公司(以下简称“尚医”或“我们”)充分尊重用户的隐私权,并对儿童给予特殊保护。《儿童个人信息保护政策》(以下简称“本政策”)旨在向监护人(以下简称“您”)和儿童(不满十四周岁的未成年人)说明我们如何收集、存储、使用、共享、转让、披露及保护儿童的个人信息,以及我们为您与儿童提供的查阅、复制、转移、更正、补充、删除这些信息的方式。 请您仔细阅读本政策,尤其是本政策中的加粗的重要条款。如您有任何疑问,请告知我们。
我们严格遵守法律法规的规定及与用户的约定,根据用户选择产品或服务的具体情况,收集您和您监护的儿童的以下个人信息。1. 术康Pro
在用户使用术康Pro提供的产品和/或服务时,用户需填写基本健康调查问卷,我们可能需要收集用户的姓名、性别、出生日期、身高、体重、BMI、目前的健康状况、运动情况及您感兴趣的资讯或疾病。 我们可能基于用户填写的出生日期判断用户是否为14周岁以下的儿童,若合理判断用户为14周岁以下的儿童,鉴于部分产品和/或服务目前可能暂不向儿童开放(专门面向儿童的特定业务场景除外),我们将可能停止向您提供产品或服务。若患者为不满14周岁的儿童需要使用我们的产品和/或服务,我们可能在征得监护人的同意后向您提供产品或服务并收集儿童个人信息。若您不同意提供相关儿童个人信息,可以随时中止填写问卷或停止使用我们的部分产品和/或服务。关于个人信息的具体使用目的、方式等,请详见《术康Pro隐私政策》。
2. 术康健康测试
术康健康测试小程序系我们专门为儿童及青少年开发的认知能力测评程序。儿童使用该小程序提供的产品和/或服务之前,为建立账户,我们会收集儿童的基本个人信息,如姓名、年龄和性别。上述个人信息的填写需由监护人填写或在填写前取得监护人的授权。上述信息仅为建立用户所需,若拒绝提供真实的儿童个人信息,可以选择填写非真实信息。小程序内含的训练游戏可能需要您授权我们获得相应权限,例如“唇舌训练”可能需要您授权我们获得麦克风权限。 关于个人信息的具体使用目的、方式等,请详见《术康健康测试隐私政策》。3. 工作记忆
工作记忆小程序系我们专门开发的认知能力测评程序,面向儿童开放。儿童使用该小程序提供的产品和/或服务之前,为建立账户,我们可能会收集儿童的基本个人信息。上述个人信息的填写需由监护人填写或在填写前取得监护人的授权。为保证该小程序的持续运营,该小程序页面可能会包含部分广告。 关于个人信息的具体使用目的、方式等,请详见《工作记忆测试隐私政策》。4. 其他场景
在其他场景下,如我们需要收集儿童个人信息的,我们亦会单独告知您处理儿童个人信息的目的、方式等,并在 征得儿童监护人的同意后,才收集儿童个人信息。 我们严格遵守法律法规的规定和与用户的约定,将收集的您和您所监护的儿童的信息用于以下用途:如果我们需要超出上述用途使用您或您监护的儿童的个人信息,我们将再次告知您,并征得您的同意。
1. 个人信息相关权利
在您行使相应的权利前,我们将会核实您的身份和监护关系。请您理解,在核实过程中,我们可能需要您提供 账号、儿童出生日期、身份证、联系方式 等个人信息,以便在完成身份验证和问题核实后继续响应您的需求。请您注意,为了防止儿童修改某些信息造成不准确,我们对于儿童某些信息(比如儿童的生日)只允许您修改或经过您同意后修改。
2. 儿童何时可以自己管理帐号
1. 客服联系电话:02868360941
2. 联系地址:四川省成都市高新区天府大道北段1700号新世纪环球中心E2座1-3-1708
Date of update : [2022.4.21]
Effective date: [2022.4.28]
Reminder clause
Chengdu Shangyi Information Technology Co., Ltd ( hereinafter referred to as “Shangyi” or “we”) fully respects the privacy of our users and provides special protection for children. The purpose of the Children's Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”) is to explain to guardians (hereinafter referred to as “you”) and children (minors under the age of 14) how we collect, store, use, share, transfer, disclose and protect children's personal information and the ways we provide you and children to access, copy, transfer, correct, supplement and delete these information. Please read this Policy carefully, especially the bolded material terms in this Policy. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Special Note for Guardians of Children:
If you are the guardian of a children user, please read and choose whether you agree to this Policy. We would like to ask you to work with us to protect children's personal information, educate and guide children to enhance their awareness and ability of personal information protection, and ensure that children under your guardian use our products and services and provide information to us with your permission or guidance. We will take special measures to protect the personal information of children we process in accordance with this Policy.
Special note for children:
If you are a minor under the age of 14, you need to read this Policy carefully with your guardian and use our products, services or provide information to us with the consent or guidance of your guardian.
Please choose whether you agree the relevant privacy policy and whether you agree the use of our products and/or services by you and children under your guardian after carefully reading and fully understanding this Policy and the privacy policies of specific products and services. If you do not agree the relevant privacy policy and the contents of this Policy or do not agree to provide necessary information for the services, it is possible that some of our products and/or services may not function properly or may not be as effective as we intend them to be and you and children under your guardian may not be able to use some of our products, services or specific features in relation to them properly.
Please understand that we can only reasonably determine whether a user is a children user by the information submitted by the user, and that personal information we collect through a user's account is considered children information if and only if we reasonably determine that a user is a children user.
Please understand that the products and/or services we offer are in principle not directly accessible to children under the age of 14 and that children under the age of 14 require the consent of their guardians in order to use or become users of our products and/or services.
Special Note: our products and services may include those provided by third parties and this Policy does not apply to products and services provided to you by other third parties. Please note that such third parties may collect, use or process information relating to children, which requires such third parties to obtain your consent separately. We recommend that you ask children to seek your consent before authorizing the collection and processing of any personal information about them from a third party.
It is important that you read and thoroughly understand this Policy before you use the products or services we offer, particularly the bolded/underlined terms which highlight. By clicking “Agree” you consent to the collection, use and processing of information about you and children in your guardian in accordance with our privacy policy, specific privacy guidelines (if any) and this Policy. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this Policy, you can contact us by using the contact information we have provided.
For details, please read the corresponding sections according to the following index.
1.What information we collect
2.How we use this information
3.Commissioning, sharing, transferring and disclosing children's personal information
4.Protecting and storing children's personal information
5.Managing children's personal information
6.Application of this Policy
7.How to contact us
1. What information we collect
We collect the following personal information about you and the children under your guardian in strict compliance with laws and regulations and in accordance with the agreement with the user, depending on the product or service chosen by the user.
In order to use the products and/or services offered by R PLUS HEALTH, users will be asked to complete a basic health questionnaire, which may require your name, gender, date of birth, height, weight, BMI, current health status, exercise status and information or illnesses you are interested in. We may determine whether a user is a child under the age of 14 based on the user's date of birth. If we reasonably determine that the user is a child under the age of 14, we may discontinue providing the product or service to you as some products and/or services may not currently be available to children (except for specific business scenarios specifically for children). If the patient is a child under the age of 14 and needs to use our products and/or services, we may, with the consent of the guardian, provide the products or services to the child and collect personal information from him/her. If you do not agree to provide relevant children's personal information, you can stop filling in the questionnaire or stopping using some of our products and / or services at any time.
For details of the specific purposes and manner of use of personal information, please refer to the R PLUS HEALTH Privacy Policy.
Brain Test
1.The Brain Test mini program is a cognitive assessment app that we have developed mainly for children and adolescents. Before a child can use the products and/or services offered by the Brain Test, basic personal information such as name, age and gender will be collected from the child in order to create an account. The above personal information must be completed by a guardian or authorized by the guardian prior to completion. The above information is only required to create a user account, and if user refuse to provide real personal information about the child, user may choose to fill in other information. Training games included in the mini program may require user to authorize us to obtain the appropriate permissions, for example 'lip and tongue training' may require user to authorize us to obtain microphone permissions.
For details of the specific purposes and manner of use of personal information, please refer to the Brain Test Privacy Policy.
Other scenes
In other cases where we need to collect personal information from children, we will also inform you separately of the purpose and manner of processing personal information from children and will only collect personal information from children with the consent of their guardians.
How we use this information
We use the information we collect about you and the children in your guardian for the following purposes, in strict compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and our agreement with users:
Verification of the identity of the children and the guardian;
Providing necessary products or services, products or services for specific functions;
For product or service optimization, safety and security, and service investigation purposes.
If we need to use your personal information or that of a child in your guardian beyond the purposes described above, we will inform you again and obtain your consent.
Commissioning, sharing, transferring and disclosing children's personal information
We strictly limit the commissioning, sharing, transfer and disclosure of children's personal information in compliance with laws and regulations.
If we entrust a third party with the processing of children's personal information, we will conduct a security assessment of the entrusted party and the act of entrustment, etc., and sign an entrustment agreement requiring that the entrusted party's processing shall not exceed the scope of our authorization, and we entrust the third party with the processing of children's personal information mainly for the following purposes:
Delivering our services to children;
To achieve the purposes described in the section “How we use this information”;
Maintaining and improving our services.
In general, we do not share children's personal information with third parties. We may only share children's personal information with third parties with the prior consent of the guardian.
We may share some of a children's personal information (such as the child's username, account number, password, and the content of that child user's transactions with certain of our products and services) with a guardian who can access and manage the relevant personal information.
For external processing purposes only, we may share children's personal information with third party partners (third party service providers, contractors, agents, application developers, etc.), who may not be located in your jurisdiction, to allow them to process the said information for us in accordance with our instructions, privacy policy and related confidentiality and security policies.
If we share your and children's information with any of these third parties, we will carry out a security assessment and use encryption, anonymization and de-identification processes to keep your and children's information secure.
As our business continues to grow, when a merger, acquisition, asset transfer or other transaction occurs that results in the sharing of your and children's personal information to a third party, we will inform you of the circumstances through push notifications, announcements, etc., and continue to protect or require new administrators to continue to protect your and children's personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and standards no less stringent than those required by this policy.
We may disclose and share statistically processed, non-identifiable information with our partners for the purpose of understanding how users use our services or to inform the public about general usage trends of our services.
Protecting and storing children's personal information
We take technical measures, such as encryption, to store children's personal information to ensure its security. We will not store children's personal information for longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected and used.
We will strictly control access rights of children's personal information, adopt the principle of minimum necessary authorization for staff who may have access to children's personal information, and take technical measures to record and control staff handling behavior to avoid illegal copying and downloading of children's personal information.
We will delete or anonymize your personal information and that of children within a reasonable period of time in the event that our products or services cease to operate or the storage period for your personal information and that of children expires.
Managing children's personal information
Rights relating to personal information
In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, you and children have the right to access, copy, transfer, correct, supplement, delete the children's personal information, manage your authorizations, and cancel the children's personal account.
We will verify your identity and guardian relationship before you can exercise the appropriate rights. Please understand that during the verification process, we may require personal information such as your account number, child's date of birth, ID, contact information, etc. in order to continue to respond to your request once we have completed the identity verification and question verification. Please note that in order to prevent inaccuracies caused by children changing certain information, we only allow you or your consent to change certain information about a child (such as the child's birthday).
When children can manage their own accounts
Children in custody have the right to manage their own accounts once they have reached the age of 14. If a child user chooses to manage their account himself/herself, you will no longer have access to or control over their account.
Application of this Policy
This Policy applies only to situations where we determine that a user is a child under the age of 14 and need to collect personal information in the course of enhancing our products and/or services, and for products or services that can not recognize or actively recognize the age of the user, only the privacy policy of the specific service or product applies.
Please understand that where this Policy is not applicable, reference is made to the privacy policy of the specific service or product to which it applies. In the event of any inconsistency between this Policy and the terms of the privacy guidelines for a specific service or product (if any), this Policy shall prevail.
In addition to the scenario of providing services or products, if the processing of children's personal information is involved in other scenarios, this Policy shall apply by reference.
How to contact us
You can contact us and in principle we will respond to your request within 15 working days.
Customer service contact number: 02868360941
Customer service email: support@rplushealth.com
Contact Address: 1-3-1708, E2 Building, New Century Global Center, No. 1700 Tianfu Avenue North, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan