1. 我们将逐一说明我们收集的您的个人信息类型及其对应的用途,以便您了解我们针对某一特定功能所收集的具体个人信息的类别、使用理由及收集方式。2. 为了在本政策下收集您的信息,或者向您提供服务、优化我们的服务以及保障您的账号安全,我们将需要通过弹窗等方式向您索取以下权限:
3. 当您使用某些功能时,我们会在基于您的同意收集你的敏感个人信息。例如,为帮助关联医生了解您的健康状况,在您使用健康调查问卷功能时,您需要主动向我们提供您的个人身体健康状况。除非按照相关法律法规要求必须收集,拒绝提供可能会使你无法使用相关特定功能或影响评估结果的准确性,但不影响您正常使用术康Pro的其他功能。
4. 原则上,我们不会主动共享或转让您的个人信息至成都尚医信息科技有限公司外的第三方。如存在其他共享或转让您的个人信息的情形,或您需要我们将您的个人信息共享或转让至其他第三方时,我们会直接征得或确认第三方征得您对上述行为的明示同意,但法律法规和本政策另有规定或因保护用户权益的需要除外。
5. 您可以通过本政策所列途径及方式查阅、复制、转移、更正、补充、删除您的个人信息,也可以行使撤回同意、注销账号、投诉举报等隐私功能。
6. 本APP仅面向年龄在17+以上的用户开发,如您不符合年龄要求的,请勿使用本APP
特别提示:本政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的产品和服务,第三方向您提供的产品或服务适用于该等第三方向您另行说明的隐私保护政策。您在选择使用第三方服务前应充分了解第三方服务的产品功能及隐私保护政策,再选择是否使用相应功能或服务。 在您使用我们提供的产品或服务前,请您务必仔细阅读并透彻理解本政策,尤其是以粗体/下划线标识的条款,您应重点阅读,在确认充分理解并同意后再开始使用。如您对本政策存在任何疑问、建议或意见的,您可以通过我们提供的联系方式与我们联系。
1. 账户注册/登录
2. 为您提供运动记录、动态日记等服务
3. 测试评估
4. 制定运动方案服务
5. 使用硬件智能设备
6. 联系我们
7. 信息/资讯提供服务
(1)设备信息。我们会在您使用的过程中识别您的设备相关信息,包括设备号、操作系统版本号、设备设置、设备识别符、设备环境、移动应用列表等。 例如IMEI/OAID编号、GAID编号、IMSI编号、MAC地址、序列号、操作系统版本及类型、ROM版本、Android版本、Android ID、Space ID、SIM卡运营商和归属地、屏幕显示信息、设备输入信息、设备激活时间、设备制造商信息和型号名称、网络运营商、连接类型、硬件基础配置信息、销售渠道及使用相关信息(例如CPU、内存、电量使用情况、设备分辨率、设备温度、相机镜头型号、亮屏次数和解锁次数)。
(2) 服务日志信息。当您使用我们的服务时,我们会自动收集您对我们服务的详细使用情况,作为服务日志保存,可能包括浏览、点击查看、搜索查询等轨迹信息以及IP地址、浏览器类型、电信运营商、使用语言、访问日期和时间。
8. 保障安全及系统稳定
1. 为订立、履行您作为一方当事人的合同所必需;
2. 为履行我们的法定职责或者法定义务所必需;
3. 为应对突发公共卫生事件,或者紧急情况下为保护您或他人的生命健康和财产安全所必需;
4. 为公共利益实施新闻报道、舆论监督等行为,在合理的范围内处理个人信息;
5. 依法在合理的范围内处理您自行公开或者其他已经合法公开的个人信息;
6. 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。
我们基于本政策收集的个人信息将会严格按照本政策所告知的目的进行使用。如我们超出与收集时所告知的目的及具有直接或合理关联的目的范围使用您的个人信息,我们将在使用您的个人信息前,再次告知您我们的使用目的,并征得您的同意。 我们会基于以下目的使用您的个人信息:
1. 根据“您直接提供或自动采集的个人信息”中告知的场景中的特定目的使用您的个人信息。
2. 为您提供安全保障。为保障我们产品和/或服务的安全性,我们可能使用您的个人信息用于身份验证、安全防范、诈骗检测等,以预防、发现、调查欺诈、危害安全、非法或违反与我们的协议、政策或规则的行为,以保护您、我们的其他用户、我们或我们关联方、合作方及社会公众的合法权益。
3. 与您沟通。我们会使用您提供的联系信息,包括您的手机号码、电子邮件、社交账号及联系地址及其他可以联系到您的信息,直接与您沟通或互动。如,使您知晓使用服务的状态,向您发送相应的服务提供;如果我们产品和/或服务将发生变更,我们可能会提前通知您,或邀请您参加我们的体验活动等。
4. 向关联医生提供。一旦您绑定关联医生,并同意接受关联医生为您制定运动方案等服务,我们将向关联医生提供您主动填写的以及您在测试或运动过程中同意采集的个人基本信息、健康状况信息、身体感受相关数据等信息。如您拒绝,请勿主动填写并点击提交问卷。
5. 根据法律法规及监管机构的要求向相关监管机构或监管机构要求的第三方进行报告。
6. 改善我们的产品和/或服务,开展内部审计、数据分析和研究。我们将使用收集的信息改善我们的产品和/或服务,如评估、维护和改进产品和服务的性能,开发新的产品和服务、提供客户支持等。此外,我们还可能将信息用于内部审计、数据分析和研究。在用于该等目的时,我们不会披露任何您的身份识别信息。
1. 在征得您明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的个人信息。
2. 我们可能会根据法律法规规定,或按政府主管部门的强制性要求,对外共享您的个人信息。
3. 向您提供服务所必需的共享: 如您使用关联医生为您提供服务时,我们将与关联医生共享您的个人基本信息、健康状况信息、身体感受相关数据等信息,以便关联医生为您制定运动方案。
4.投诉处理:当您投诉或被他人投诉时,为了保护您和他人的合法权益,我们可能会将您的姓名、有效证件号码、联系方式及投诉内容提供给消费者权益保护部门及相应的监管机构, 以协助解决纠纷,但法律法规明确禁止提供的除外。
5. 与合作伙伴共享:仅为实现本政策中声明的目的,我们的某些服务将由授权合作伙伴提供。我们可能会与合作伙伴共享您的某些个人信息,以提供更好的客户服务和用户体验。目前,我们的授权合作伙伴包括以下两大类型:
6. SDK的使用
SDK名称 | 第三方机构名称 | 使用目的 | 个人信息类型 | 第三方隐私政策链接 |
TalkingData | 北京腾云天下科技有限公司 | 移动应用访问数据统计及分析 |
设备信息: 1. Android:设备品牌、型号、软件版本等基础信息及其应用列表信息。 2. IOS:设备品牌、型号、软件版本等基础信息。 3. 网路信息:设备连接WiFi和基站信息。 |
https://www.talkingdata.com/privacy.jsp?languagetype=zh_cn |
Bugly | 深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司 | 快速发现并解决异常,及时跟进用户反馈 | Bugly只会在应用程序出现崩溃的情况下上报APP Crash日志。该日志为android或ios系统自身的崩溃日志信息。可能会包含设备的系统版本、CPU架构、设备机型等信息。 | https://privacy.qq.com/document/preview/fc748b3d96224fdb825ea79e132c1a56 |
极验验证SDK | 武汉极意网络科技有限公司 | 使用手机号快速登陆App | 设备信息: 1. Android:设备序列号、用户手机号。 2. IOS:用户手机号。 | https://www.geetest.com/Private |
1. 在获取明确同意的情况下转让:获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的个人信息
2. 在涉及合并、收购或破产清算时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受此隐私政策的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。
1. 获得您明确同意后;
2. 根据相应的活动规则脱敏展示您的账号或手机号等;
3. 基于法律的披露:在法律法规、诉讼或政府主管部门等强制性要求的情况下,我们可能会公开披露您的个人信息。
1. 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;
2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;
3. 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等司法或行政执法有关的;
4. 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;
5. 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;
6. 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。
7. 法律法规规定的其他情形。
1. 为您提供产品和/或服务的查询、投诉及售后服务;
2. 保障我们为您提供的产品和/或服务的安全及质量;
3. 您是否对保留期限作出特别授权。
1. 我们将按符合业界标准、合理可行的安全保护措施来保护您的个人信息,以防止您的个人信息被未经授权访问、公开披露、非法使用、篡改、损坏、删除或销毁。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息。例如数据加密、数据脱敏。
2. 我们建立了相关的内部管理制度,确保您的个人信息在最小必要的范围内进行处理。我们还设立严格的数据使用和访问制度,避免您的个人信息被违规使用。同时,我们还会对我们的员工进行定期的培训,强化员工的个人信息保护意识。
3. 互联网并非绝对安全的环境,而且电子邮件、即时通讯、及与其他应用程序内附带的交流方式并未加密,我们强烈建议您不要通过此类方式发送个人信息。请使用复杂密码,协助我们保证您的账号安全。
4. 在不幸发生个人信息安全事件后,我们将按照法律法规的要求,及时向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。我们将及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。
根据适用的法律法规,您有权查询、复制、转移、更正、补充、删除您的个人信息,管理您的授权及注销您的个人账户。 您在使用我们的产品和/或服务时,可以根据该产品和/或服务提供的操作指引行使您的上述权利。如果您无法通过相关操作指引行使您的权利,您可以通过本隐私政策提供的联系方式与我们联系。
1. 如果我们处理个人信息的行为违反法律法规;
2. 如果处理目的已实现、无法实现或为实现处理目的不再必要;
3. 如果我们收集、使用您的个人信息,却未征得您的同意;
4. 如果我们处理个人信息的行为违反了与您的约定;
5. 如果您不再使用我们的产品或服务,或您注销了账号;
6. 如果我们不再为您提供产品或服务,或储存期限届满。
1. 与国家安全、国防安全有关的
2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;
3. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;
4. 有充分证据表明个人信息主体存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;
5. 响应您的请求将导致您或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;
6. 涉及商业秘密的。
1. 客服联系电话:02868360941
2. 联系地址:四川省成都市高新区天府大道北段1700号新世纪环球中心E2座1-3-1708
Update date:[ 21 April ], 2022
Effective Date:[ 28 April ], 2022
Prompt Terms
Recovery Plus Pro is a sports therapy and rehabilitation product developed and provided by Recovery Plus, Inc (including its subsidiaries and affiliates, hereinafter referred to as “Recovery Plus” or “we”) and it is designed for patients to use. In order to explain how we collect, store, use, share, transfer, disclose, and protect your personal information and the rights you are entitled, we have stipulated this “Recovery Plus Pro Privacy Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy” and the “Policy”). This Policy applies to all products and/or services that we provide to you in the form of, but not limited to, applications, mini programs (if any), H5 (if any), and other new forms that may emerge as business and technology evolve, regardless of whether you access the services through a computer device, mobile device or other device. The highlights of this Policy include:
(These highlights are intended to help you grasp the main idea of this Policy, and reading this highlights does not imply that you have read the entire Policy! The hyperlinks below will direct you to the specific sections of this Privacy Policy.)
1. We will explain each of the types of personal information we collect about you and their corresponding uses, so that you can understand the types of personal information we collect for a particular function, why we use it, and how we collect it.
2. In order to collect your information under this Policy, or to provide you with services, optimize our services, and secure your account, we will need to ask you for the following permissions, including through pop-ups:
(1)To provide you with the service of changing your profile photo, we need to request your camera access and cell phone storage access.
(2)In order to provide you with the service of posting images and other content, we need to request your camera access and cell phone storage access, and to display the posting address, we need to request your location access.
(3)In order to connect to the Bluetooth sports test device, we need to request your location access, GPS access, Bluetooth access.
Sensitive permissions such as camera, microphone, etc., will not be turned on by default and will only be invoked or used within the scope of your consent if you explicitly agree. You can also check the type of system permissions we have invoked or used and the purpose of use in the phone settings for those permissions you have authorized to us, and manage them in a uniform manner.
3.When you use certain features, we may collect sensitive personal information from you based on your consent. For example, to help doctors understand your health status, you will need to voluntarily provide us with your personal physical health status when you use the health questionnaire function. Unless required to be collected in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, refusal to provide such information may prevent you from using certain functions or affect the accuracy of the assessment results, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of Recovery Plus Pro.
4.In principle, we will not share or transfer your personal information to third parties other than Recovery Plus, Inc. In case we need to share or transfer your personal information, or if you need us to share or transfer your personal information to other third parties, we will directly obtain your consent or confirm that the third party has obtained your express consent to the above-mentioned actions, except as otherwise provided in laws, regulations and this Policy or as necessary to protect the rights and interests of users.
5.You may access, copy, transfer, correct, supplement and delete your personal information through the means and methods listed in this Policy, and you may also exercise privacy functions such as withdrawing your consent, canceling your account, and filing complaints and reports.
6.This App is only open to users aged over 17, if you do not meet the age requirement, please do not use this App.
Note: This Policy does not apply to products and services provided to you by other third parties. Products or services provided to you by third parties are subject to the privacy policies separately stated by such third parties. You should fully understand the product functions and their privacy policies of the third party services before choosing whether to use the corresponding features or services.
Before using our products or services, please be sure to read and thoroughly understand this Policy. You should pay special attention to the terms marked in bold/underlined, and make sure you have fully understood and consented to these terms before using them. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this Policy, you can contact us through the contact information provided by us.
If you would like more detailed information, please read the corresponding sections according to the following guideline:
This Policy will help you understand the following:
I.How we collect and use your personal information
II.How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information
III.How we store and protect your personal information
V.How we process minor’s personal information
VI.How your personal information is transferred across borders
VII.How this Policy will be updated
When you use our products and/or services, we need or may need to collect and use your personal information. Depending on the different functions of the products and/or services you use, we will collect and use your personal information according to the following principles:
1.In order to achieve the basic functions of the products and/or services provided to you, you need to authorize us to collect the information necessary to perform such functions. If you refuse to provide the relevant information, you will not be able to use our products and/or services properly.
2.In order to achieve the additional functions of the products and/or services provided to you, you can choose to authorize us to collect and use the corresponding personal information. If you refuse to provide the relevant personal information, you will not be able to use the relevant additional functions, but it will not affect your normal use of the basic functions and other additional functions that have been authorized.
In the course of your use of Recovery Plus Pro, we may collect and use information that you provide voluntarily or as a result of your use of the services in the following manner:
We will collect and use your personal information to achieve the following functions of this Policy:
1.Account registration/login
You can register/login to Recovery Plus Pro by “mobile login” or “email login”, if you choose email login, you need to link to your cell phone. When you register/login to Recovery Plus Pro, you need to provide us with your cell phone number or email address. The cell phone number is collected and used in order to meet the identity authentication requirements of relevant laws and regulations. If you do not provide such information, you may not be able to use our services properly. After account login, you can change your profile photo. Changing your profile photo requires you to authorize us to obtain your camera access and cell phone storage access.
If you have a primary doctor that is responsible for you, you will need to provide us with the code of the associated doctor in order to be connected with the associated doctor.
2.Provide you with sports records, dynamic diary and other services
You can record the number of hours and days you have exercised with Recovery Plus Pro. To get walking steps for a day, you need to authorize us to get the steps count data.
3. While using Recovery Plus Pro, you can share your relevant information with your own social network. For example, you can post updates through Recovery Plus Pro. In order to post pictures, you need to grant us access to your photo album or camera. If you want to show your location, you also need to grant us access to your location.
Information that has been posted will remain public as long as you do not delete the shared information; even if you delete the shared information, the information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or unaffiliated third parties not under our control, or kept in the public domain by other users or such third parties.
In some cases, if you request that information about you be removed from our services, please contact us through the contact information provided in this Policy.
3.Test evaluation
(1)Health survey
In order to provide you with a better service when you first use Recovery Plus Pro, we will invite you to fill out a health questionnaire. You will need to voluntarily provide us with your name, gender, date of birth, height, weight, BMI, your current health status, exercise status, and information or diseases of interest to you. The associated doctor will develop the exercise testing program for you based on the information from the questionnaire you fill out. If you refuse to fill out the questionnaire, you can choose to skip it.
In order to provide you with appropriate services that meet your needs, you may be required to complete other health surveys from time to time as prompted by us. While filling out the health survey, you may be required to provide us with your name, gender, date of birth, health status (whether you have caught COVID-19, or any other diseases, etc.), exercise habits, and lifestyle. The specific information you need to fill out is based on the page you visit when you take the health survey.
Health status information is sensitive personal information, and refusal to provide this information may prevent you from using the health survey function or affect the accuracy of the assessment results, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of Recovery Plus Pro.
(2)Health record
In order to provide you with a better services, you can also choose to provide your weight, heart rate, oxygen saturation, glycated hemoglobin, blood pressure, fasting glucose, non-fasting glucose, triglycerides, uric acid, LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol data to your associated doctor through the Health Data function page. The specific information to be filled in is based on the page displayed when you visit the health data function page.
(3)Exercise test
In order to understand your physical condition and to provide you with the services such as exercise recommendations based on your exercise habits and abilities, you may be required to complete an exercise test. During the exercise test, you will need to wear the appropriate devices. In order to obtain data about your heart rate and body sensations while exercising through the device's own sensors, the device needs to be connected via Bluetooth. In order to connect to the device, you need to authorize us to collect your geographic location information through GPS and WiFi. Location information is sensitive personal information, and refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using the exercise test function, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of Recovery Plus Pro. We will make evaluations based on your test, which includes cardiorespiratory endurance (quiet heart rate and 3-minute step test), muscle strength and muscle endurance, flexibility, and balance endurance.
4. Make exercise plan
You can make your exercise plan to meet your needs by yourself or have an associated doctor make an exercise plan for you. In order to help you customize an exercise plan that meets your needs, we may need your basic information, including your gender, date of birth, height, and weight. You will also need to complete a risk factor screening questionnaire based on your actual condition. We will analyze the information you provide to come out an appropriate analysis report accordingly.
In order to monitor and record your physical status during exercise and to optimize your exercise plan, you may need to wear the appropriate device. In order to obtain about your heart rate and body sensations during exercise through the device's own sensors, the device needs to be connected via Bluetooth. In order to connect to the device, you may need to authorize us to collect your location information through GPS and WiFi. Location information is sensitive personal information, and refusal to provide this information will only prevent you from using the exercise test function, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of the Recovery Plus Pro.
5. Using intelligent hardware devices
When you use intelligent hardware devices related to Shukang Pro, in order to achieve the necessary functions of the intelligent hardware devices, Shukang Pro will automatically start up and receive data from the intelligent devices. You acknowledge and confirm that your use of intelligent devices constitutes your agreement to automatically start up Shukang Pro and transfer data. Except as disclosed in this policy, we will not automatically start or associate start Recovery Pro in any other circumstances.
6.Contact us
When you contact us or ask us to provide any service, we may need your personal information (such as your username ) to identify you in order to protect the security of your account. If necessary, we will also use the contact information you provide to contact you to seek further advice or to help you resolve your problem in the feedback. If you need to provide images, you will need to authorize the appropriate permissions for your device's camera or photo album accordingly.
7.Information/news provision services
In the course of your use of our services, we may automatically collect and store the following information about you as web log information in order to identify program and account anomalies and to provide you with better pages and search results that meet your needs, including:
(1) Device information. We will identify information about your device as you use it, including device number, operating system version number, device settings, device identifier, device environment, mobile application list, etc. For example, IMEI/OAID number, GAID number, IMSI number, MAC address, serial number, OS version and type, ROM version, Android version, Android ID, Space ID, SIM card operator and attribution, screen display information, device input information, device activation time, device manufacturer information and model name, network carrier, connection type, basic hardware configuration information, sales channels and usage related information (e.g. CPU, memory, power usage, device resolution, device temperature, camera lens model, number of times the screen is lit and unlocked).
(2) Service log information. When you use our services, we automatically collect details of your use of our services, which are kept as service logs and may include track information such as browsing, click-to-view, and search queries, as well as IP address, browser type, telecommunications carrier, language used, and date and time of access.
8.Ensure security and system stability
To improve the security and stability of our system and to protect your account security when you are using our products and/or services, we may collect your device information, service log information and other information related to system security and stability, embed the above information in SDKs developed by us or provided by our suppliers, and may use and integrate the information you provide in other scenarios and information collected by our affiliates with your authorization or that can be shared under the law, so that we can make a comprehensive judgement of your account risk and promptly investigate when abnormalities are detected.
According to laws and regulations and relevant national standards, in the following situations, we may collect and use your personal information without obtaining your consent:
1.Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which you are a party;
2.Necessary to perform our statutory duties or statutory obligations;
3.To respond to public health emergencies, or to protect your and other’s life, health and property safety in emergency situations;
4.To implement news reports, public opinion supervision and other acts for the public interest to process personal information within a reasonable scope;
5.Process your personal information that has been disclosed by yourself or other legally disclosed personal information within a reasonable scope in accordance with the law;
6.Other circumstances required by laws and regulations.
The personal information we collect based on this Policy will be used strictly in accordance with the purposes described in this Policy. If we use your personal information beyond the purposes notified at the time of collection but are for the direct or reasonably related purposes, we will inform you again of our purposes of use and obtain your consent before using your personal information.
We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
1.For the specific purposes in the scenarios described in "Personal information that you provide directly or that is automatically collected".
2.To ensure your security. To protect the security of our products and/or services, we may use your information for identity verification, security precautions, fraud detection, etc. to prevent, detect, investigate fraud, endangerment, illegal behavior or violation of our agreements, policies or regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, other users, us or our affiliates, partners, and the public.
3.To communicate with You. We may use the contact information you provide, including your cell phone number, email, social networking account and contact address and other information that allows us to contact you, to communicate or interact with you directly, for example, to keep you informed of the status of your use of the services, to send you appropriate service offers, to notify you in advance if our products and/or services will change, or to invite you to participate in our experiences activities.
4.To provide for the associated doctor. Once you have tied up with an associated doctor and agreed to receive services such as exercise plans made by the associated doctor, we will provide the associated doctor with the basic personal information, health status information, physical data and other information that you have chosen to fill out and that you have agreed to collect during the test or exercise. If you refuse, please do not fill out the questionnaire or click submit.
5.To report to the relevant authorities or third parties as required by the authorities in accordance with laws and regulations and the requirements of the authorities.
6.To improve our products and/or services, conduct internal audits, data analysis and research. We will use the information we collect to improve our products and/or services, such as evaluating, maintaining and improving the performance of our products and services, developing new products and services, and providing customer support. In addition, we may use the information for internal audits, data analysis and research. When used for such purposes, we will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information.
In principle, we will not share your personal information with any other companies, organizations and individuals, except for the following situations:
1.Share under your express consent: with your express consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.
2.We may share your personal information with others in accordance with laws and regulations, or the mandatory requirements of the competent government departments.
3.Share necessary to provide services to you: If your associated doctor provides services to you, we will share your basic personal information, health status information, physical data and other information with the associated doctor so that the associated doctor can customize an exercise plan for you.
4.Complaint handling: When you complain or are complained by others, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you and others, we may provide your name, valid ID number, contact information and the content of your complaint to the consumer rights protection department and the corresponding regulatory authorities to assist in resolving disputes, except where such provision is expressly prohibited by laws and regulations.
5.Sharing with partners: Certain of our services will be provided by authorized partners only for the purposes stated in this Policy. We may share certain of your personal information with our partners to provide better customer service and user experience. Currently, our authorized partners mainly include the following two types:
(1)Analytical services partners. We may share de-identified or anonymized information with our analytics partners to help them increase the effectiveness of their service reach without identifying you personally. We will not share your personally identifiable information with our analytics partners without your authorization.
(2)Suppliers, service providers and other partners. In order to provide services to you, or to provide your personal information held by Recovery Plus Pro to third parties at your direction so that you can use the third parties' services, subject to laws and regulations, we may share information with suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business; such supports include providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing how our services are used, measuring the effectiveness of the service, providing customer service, facilitating payments, or conducting academic research and surveys.
For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information, we will require them to process personal information in accordance with our instructions, this Policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.
6.Use of SDK
To ensure that some of the standalone functions work well so that you can use and enjoy more services and functions, we have embed third-party SDKs in our application. Please understand that the functions and services of third-party SDKs are constantly being updated and the types of personal information they process may also change as functions and services are updated. Please refer to the third party’s published policies regarding the use of personal information.
The third party SDKs that we are using are as follows:
Name of SDK | Name of Third Party | Purpose | Type of Personal Information | Link to Third Party Privacy Policy |
TalkingData | Beijing TalkingData Science and Technology Co., Ltd. | Statistics and analysis of mobile application access data | Android: Basic information such as device brand, model, software version and its application list information. IOS: Basic information such as device brand, model, software version, etc. Network information: WiFi device connection and base station information. |
https://www.talkingdata.com/privacy.jsp?languagetype=zh_cn |
Bugly | Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. | Quickly find and solve anomalies and respond to user feedback in a timely manner | Bugly will only report the APP Crash log if the application crashes. The log is the crash log information for android or ios system itself. It may contain information such as system version of the device, CPU architecture, device model, etc. | https://privacy.qq.com/document/preview/fc748b3d96224fdb825ea79e132c1a56 |
GeeTest SDK | WUHAN JIYI NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. | Use mobile phone number number to quickly log into the App | Andriod: Device serial number and mobile phone number IOS: Mobile phone number | https://www.geetest.com/en/Privacy |
We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except as follows:
1.Transfer with explicit consent: with your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;
2.In the event of mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation, if it involves the transfer of personal information, we will require new companies and organizations holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this Policy, otherwise we will require the companies and organizations to seek your authorization again.
We will only disclose your personal information publicly under the following circumstances:
1.With your explicit consent.
2.Desensitize your account number or cell phone number, etc., in accordance with the corresponding rules of activity.
3.Disclosure based on law: We may publicly disclose your personal information when it is statutorily required by law, regulation, litigation or government authorities.
Your prior authorized consent is not required for the sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of your personal information in the following circumstances:
1.related to national security, national defense security.
2.related to public safety, public health, and significant public interest.
3.related to judicial or administrative law enforcement such as crime investigation, prosecution, trial and sentence enforcement.
4.for the purpose of safeguarding your or another individual's significant legal rights and interests, such as life and property, but where it is difficult to obtain consent.
5.personal information that you disclose to the public at your own discretion.
6.personal information that is collected from legitimate publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other sources.
7.Other circumstances specified in laws and regulations.
Please note that, based on current laws and regulations, if we take technical measures and other necessary measures to process personal information in such a way that the recipient cannot re-identify a specific individual and cannot recover the information, the sharing, transfer, public disclosure and other processing of such processed data does not need to notify you or obtain your consent.
The personal information we collect in the People’s Republic of China will be stored in the People’s Republic of China. If we do need to store personal information outside of mainland China, we will comply with the requirements of laws and regulations.
We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes. If there are special requirements in laws and regulations, we will keep your personal information in accordance with the mandatory requirements of laws and regulations. In determining the retention period, we will determine based on the following criteria:
1.To provide you with inquiries, complaints and after-sales service for products and/or services.
2.To safeguard the safety and quality of the products and/or services we provide to you.
3.Whether you specifically authorize the storage period.
When your personal information exceeds the storage period, we will delete your personal information or make it anonymous according to the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations at that time.
1.We will protect your personal information in accordance with industry standards and reasonable and feasible security protection measures to prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, illegal use, tampering, damage, deletion or destruction. We will take all reasonable measures to protect your personal information, including data encryption and data desensitization.
2.We have established relevant internal management policies to ensure that your personal information is processed to the minimum necessary extent. We have also established a strict data use and access policies to prevent unauthorized use of your personal information. We also conduct regular training for our employees to strengthen their awareness of personal information protection.
3.The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and email, instant messaging, and communication methods attached to other applications are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through the above channels. Please use complex passwords to help us keep your account secure.
4.In case of any unfortunate occurrence of the personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggested actions that you can take to prevent and reduce the risk on your own, the remedial measures for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the incident by email, letter, phone, post notification, etc. If it is impractical to notify one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to make an announcement. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the disposition of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.
According to applicable laws and regulations, you have the right to access, copy, transfer, correct, supplement and delete your personal information, manage your authorization and cancel your personal account.
When using our products and/or services, you may exercise your rights as described above in accordance with the operating guidelines provided for that product and/or service. If you are unable to exercise your rights through the relevant operating guidelines, you may contact us throught the contact information provided in this Privacy Policy.
You can check your username on the “Me” page and your personal information by clicking on your profile photo "Personal Information". If you need to copy or transfer your personal information, you can submit your request through the contact information provided in this Policy, and we will provide you with feedback in a timely manner.
You can correct or supplement your personal information on "Personal Information" page. If you find that there are mistakes in your personal information but cannot correct it, you can submit your request through the contact information provided in this Policy, and we will promptly reply to your request.
You can request us to delete personal information in the following circumstances:
1.If processing of personal information violates laws and regulations;
2.If the purpose of the processing has been achieved, cannot be achieved, or the personal information is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing;
3.If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;
4.If the processing of personal information violates our agreement with you;
5.If you no longer use our products or services, or if you cancel your account.
6.If we no longer provide products or services to you, or if the storage period expires.
When you delete information from our service, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but we will delete the information at the time of backup update. In addition, if the deletion of personal information is technically difficult to achieve, we will not process your personal information other than storing and taking the necessary security measures.
You can click Me -> Setting -> Account Cancellation to log out the account. If you cancel your account, all rights and benefits associated with your account will be wiped out. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services and, at your request, we may delete or anonymize your personal information, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation.
You can review the entire contents of this Privacy Policy on the registration and login page, or by clicking on Me-About Us-Privacy Policy after logging into your account. Please understand that the functions of our products and/or services described in this Privacy Policy may vary depending on the model of device, system version, software application version, etc. that you are using. The final product and/or service is subject to the software and related services you use.
To protect the security of your personal information, when you exercise your rights, we may need to verify your identity in various ways before responding to your request.
In principle, we will respond to your request within 15 working days after receiving your request and confirming your identity.
For your reasonable request, we do not charge in principle. However, for repeated requests, or requests exceeding reasonable limits or generating unreasonable fees, we will charge a certain fee according to the actual situation. We may reject requests that are unfulfillable, costly to implement, duplicate requests for no reason, and requests may pose risks to others.
According to the laws and regulations, we will not be able to respond to your request in the following situations:
1.Related to national security and national defense security;
2.Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
3.Related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
4.There is sufficient evidence to show that the subject of personal information is subjectively malicious or abuses rights;
5.Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legal rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations;
6.Involving trade secrets.
Our products and/or services are developed primarily for users who are over 17 years old. By accepting our products and/or services, we assume that you meet the age requirement and have the appropriate civil capacity. If you do not meet the age requirement, please terminate your use of our products and/or services immediately.
Our products do not collect minor's personal information, if minor's personal information is collected due to minor's use, we will take further actions to verify. If it is verified that it is indeed minor's personal information, we will ask the user to change the user and delete the minor's personal information.
Although local laws and customs define minor differently, we treat anyone under the age of 14 as a minor.
For reasons such as business needs, government and judicial regulation, we may transfer your personal information to other countries or regions or receive access from entities outside mainland China. If there is a need for cross-border transfer, we will do so in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
Based on the requirements of laws and regulations and changes in our business, we may update this Policy from time to time.
We will notify you in a significant way when this Policy is updated. Without your consent, we will not derogate from any of your rights under this Policy. Please note that after you agree to the changed privacy policy, we will collect, store, use, and protect your personal information in accordance with the changed privacy policy.
If you need to know the historical version of this Policy, please contact us through the contact information published in this Policy.
You can contact us in the following ways, and in principle, we will respond to your request within 15 working days:
1.Customer service hotline: 02868360941
2.Address: 1-3-1708, Global Center Block E2, Tianfu Avenue North No. 1700, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan Province